Transit Unplugged

I am a thirty year veteran of the public transportation and government industry. I have served in senior management, business development positions, and consulting capacities. In all these roles, it was clear that learning from other transit agencies and their leaders was the best way to improve my own operations. While transit conferences offer a glimpse of this type of guidance on a specific topic, it is rare to have the opportunity to hear directly from the top transit leaders in North America unfiltered, in their own voice, and discussing topics they feel are important.

Enter Transit Unplugged, a new podcast where you can hear directly from the chief executives of North America’s top transit systems and companies.

Lately, I’ve been using the following mantra: Transit equals mobility. And mobility equals life. As we continue to find best practices and attempt to envision the future, these discussions will lead to new learnings or techniques that can work for your agency, and better the mobility and life of our passengers.

So what can you expect from Transit Unplugged? I’ll be asking guests about their career paths and how they got to the top. We also discuss, in depth, their current major projects and challenges, along with solutions they are bringing to solve them. This often includes their personal insights into what works and doesn’t work or how they turned a past failure into a current success. They will bring you up to date on modern technologies applied to transit operations in their own systems. Then, we look to the future and ask them about transit trends they see affecting our industry such as autonomous shuttles, mobility as a service (MaaS), the changing role of transit and mobility in smart cities, just to name a few.

Where Can You Find Transit Unplugged?

You won’t want to miss an episode of Transit Unplugged, powered by Trapeze Group.  It will be coming at you with two episodes every month. You can subscribe on iTunes and Google Play. You can also follow along at

I look forward to hearing how you like this new show and what you are learning and able to apply in your own job anywhere in the public transportation business and beyond. Thanks for listening.